Boiling Water!
Who doesn't know it? Making yourself a nice cup a tea and than you pour boiling water over your hand instead of into your teacup. How stupid can you get? Ouch it hurts like hell!
Well this time it didn't happen to myself (for a change hahaha) but to my daughter. Her name is Femke and she is 8 years old. She makes herself a cup of tea more often so I didn't worry that much. Only this time she came to me and said mum I burned my hand and it hurts very much. I told her to put it into cold water. She said she did, but that would have been no longer then half a minute. I looked at her hand and I was shocked because it was swollen very much and bright red.
I went upstairs to get some Calendulan which is known to be very effective with burns. On my way up I suddenly realised the stories and pictures about burns and Xango. So I got some cotton wool instead and went to the fridge and got the Xango out. Got it all soaked and put it onto her hand. Did that for 3 times. It felt nice and cooling, according to her. It turned into bedtime. She didn't feel pain so that was good.
The first thing I did the next day was asking her about and looking at her hand. It was clean. No blisters, not red at all and not swollen. I am utterly amazed. She could not feel a thing anymore. From experience I know that burns and blisters are very painfull. Boiling water spilled over your hand is VERY PAINFULL! I am already very enthousiastic about Xango but through this I am even more convinced of how good it is. I think I have bored my husband for about ten times that day to express my amazement and my unbelieve about the Xango juice.
My motto these days will be: EVERYBODY NEEDS XANGO! Not for me but for yourself!
Do you have an experience with Xango? Please share it with us!
Friendly regards,
Yvonne Immerzeel
My Mangosteen
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