Picking the Best Mangosteen Juice Sometimes there are things that can go practically unnoticed and undiscovered for a long time. Until one day, some catalyst wakes up the world and suddenly it's everywhere?
That phenomenon is just now beginning to happen with the mangosteen. Although it has been used for centuries in folklore medicine, only recently has this incredible fruit been starting to hit the mainstream - and awareness and knowledge is skyrocketing.
When a new discovery like mangosteen starts to hit popular mainstream awareness, it is inevitable that many companies & products will appear to fill the demand. That's why we want to share with you what we feel is the #1 CHOICE for a mangosteen product:
XANGO® Juice is the #1 PICK!
Here are the reasons why we've picked this particular mangosteen product over other products on the market:
Mangosteen juice Leader
Contains the WHOLE-FRUIT
Worldwide sourcing partner (for quality ingredients)
Highest manufacturing & quality-control standards
Now with over four years of proven use
#1 - Mangosteen Juice LeaderBefore any product like mangosteen gets into the mainstream - somebody has to be first. And that "first" was XanGo® Juice!
XanGo® Juice was introduced to the marketplace in November of 2002. At that time, mangosteen was relatively unknown. Since that product launch, over eight million people have been introduced to XanGo® Juice, and over 500,000 people are official wholesale customers. We believe that XanGo™ being first, has been a major catalyst in bringing awareness to the mangosteen.
#2 - The Whole FruitWhen creating drugs, Pharmaceutical companies research substances to determine what the active ingredients are. Then they extract that ingredient and create a drug with that particular ingredient. As we know, that can be a very useful process. However, sometimes there is no one ingredient but a combination that proves so powerful. This is called SYNERGY.
When using the whole fruit, you are not changing the makeup or composition. An extract needs to be tested thoroughly, as the concentration of a particular element can have dangerous side-effects. However, a whole fruit product keeps nature's balance intact.
XanGo® Juice contains the entire mangosteen fruit - the pulp, stem, rind, and fruit. Normally the rind is extremely bitter, but the fruit's delicious flavor helps to eliminate that bitterness. Using the entire fruit in juice form means the product is as close to the natural state as possible.
Finally, and most importantly, the many xanthones present in the mangosteen in its natural form are found present & active in the final juice form that XanGo, LLC produces. What would the purpose be to have a mangosteen product where the active compounds are no longer active? This is exactly why XanGo® Juice is such a superior choice.
#3 - Worldwide sourcing partnerIf you want to eat great food, everybody knows that you need to start with great ingredients! Ever hear of terms like "Catch of the day" or of restaurants like "Baja Fresh" & "Fresh Choice"? It's because we know that the BEST ingredients make for the best foods.
Before XanGo™ shipped its first bottle, the founders established relationships with worldwide sourcing companies. These contacts give them continual access to top-quality ingredients from prime mangosteen locations worldwide.
Instead of having to wait 10 years to create man-made groves of mangosteen, XanGo™ was able to immediately have top-quality mangosteen from some of the best locations in the entire world.
#4 - Highest Manufacturing and Quality ControlStarting with such quality ingredients is definitely important, but unless you match that quality in manufacturing you could still end up with a shoddy product. Here again the wisdom of the XanGo™ founders proves itself when we look at their strategic global partnership.
The manufacturing facilities meet or exceed the requirements of not just ONE certification, but all THREE of the top certifications in the world, the ISO, FPA and AIB.
So the quality of the facilities is superb! Any ONE of these certifications is a feather in the cap of a production facility, but to get all three with such high scores is quite impressive.
The final test, however, is how does the final product compare with the original source. In other words, does XanGo® Juice deliver the same ingredients as raw mangosteen would?
As you might suspect with XanGo® Juice, it DOES!
Do not miss this FACT: Testing has shown that the same xanthones found in the mangosteen are still present and active in XanGo® Juice! That is the bottom line test, and on that fact alone we could give XanGo® Juice a high recommendation!
#5 - Over FOUR Years of Usage If you still are wondering which mangosteen product to try, in spite of all the information we've given you.. then consider this: XanGo® Juice has now been available and in use for over four years. There are over 500,000 people officially as XanGo™ members (most monthly users). That is an enormous size "testing base" if you will.
XanGo® Juice is composed of foods (fruits and juices) not drugs. You do not need the same kinds of tests that drugs need - because it does not carry the same kind of risks. In the past four years of intensive use across the world... the safety of XanGo® Juice juice has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Yvonne Immerzeel